Monday, August 6, 2012

A Prayer for International Love

A Prayer for International Love Spell Date: Monday, August 6, 2012
Color of the day: Ivory
Incense of the day: Lily
The world changed forever on this day in 1945 when the United States dropped the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan.
The initial blast killed 75,000 people, and thousands more died later from radiation poisoning. And let's not forget that three days later, a second atomic bomb was dropped on the city of Nagasaki. This blast took the lives of 36,000 people, and thousands more were injured.
Take time out of your day to think about, and meditate on, these tragedies. Our prayers and actions can prevent something like this from happening again.
Find a quiet place and light one large white pillar candle. Let this represent every nation on earth, united as one great nation, brought together by love.
Then, whisper these words written centuries ago by the great mystic Mevlana Rumi:

The nation of love differs from all others,
Lovers bear no allegiance to nation or sect.
Now, go live these words and practice them every day.
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