Monday, September 17, 2012

Properties of glass

Glass, Dichroic
Dichoric glass was originally created for the space and laser industries, and was developed extensively by NASA. The word dichroic means "two colors" because of the two or more colors that the glass reflects and transmits. Dichroic glass is said by some to have no metaphysical properties. However, as everything has an energy vibration of some sort, which is what gives a material its metaphysical properties. Additionally, the glass is made with metallic oxides which would bring their properties to it. Intuition says that dichroic glass can be helpful for seeing past illusions, communication with stellar beings, bringing child-like joy into your life, and meditation. It can certainly be used effectively as a focal point in meditation by staring into the layers of color of the glass


Glass (Manmade)
Glass is an ancient material, one of the most ancient known and used by man. The first glass used was natural obsidian, volcanic glass, used to make arrowheads, knives, jewelry, etc. Glass objects created of manmade glass are reported to have been found as early from as 4,500 BC in Mesopotamia and 3,000 BC in ancient Egypt. Many consider glass to have no metaphysical properties, but others who are aware, realize that glass has energy like all else in the Universe, and thus has its own set of properties. Glass is a melding of the traditional four elements, because through fire and air the silica earth element is made molten and transmuted into a liquid only to return to its earthly state as a solid. It can be made to focus light or allow light to pass through invisibly or carry lightwaves great distances through tiny strands. Metaphysically, glass represents and carries the energies of transformation, merging of elements, rebirth, focus and communication. The colors of the glass bring the vibrations of those specific color energies.


Obsidian, Black
Obsidian is a very protective stone, and is excellent for removing negativity. It is also excellent protection against psychic attacks. In particular, obsidian protects the gentle from abuse. It is a very grounding stone, and very healing. Obsidian is also an excellent manifestation stone. Physically it benefits the stomach; intestines, muscle tissue, and can rid one of bacterial or viral infections. It sharpens and focuses internal and external vision, and helps get in touch with buried issues before they explode. Obsidian is related to the root chakra.

Obsidian, Rainbow (Sheen Obsidian)
Rainbow Obsidian (Sheen Obsidian) is called a "stone of pleasure" because one of its most notable attributes metaphysically is bringing pleasure, enjoyment and joy to one's life. It also brings love and light to one and can bring out the Spiritual. Rainbow Obsidian is used psychically to enhance clairvoyance and is an excellent scrying stone, especially in the areas of love, relationships and self-development. It is also a very protective stone, and is especially effective in protection rituals and amulets, where it works by grounding out negativity to let light in. Thus, it is also a very grounding and centering stone. Rainbow Obsidian is primarily associated with the root chakra.

Obsidian, Snowflake (Snowflake Obsidian, Gray Snowflake Obsidian, White Snowflake Obsidian)
Snowflake obsidian has the property of bringing things to the surface. The things brought to the surface could be positive or negative, love, anger, secrets; but with snowflake obsidian, these things are brought to the surface more gently that they might be otherwise. Snowflake obsidian can provide balance during times of change. It aids in seeing patterns in life and recreating them in a more beneficial way. It is a stone of serenity and purity, and can shield against negativity. It is associated with the root chakra and is beneficial for the veins, skeleton, and smooth skin. Snowflake obsidian gives protection from physical and emotional harm.


  1. Where did you find that picture of Dichroic glass? I'm trying to buy some 'tumbled' looking pieces but I can't find any online. ):

  2. Hmm...honestly I do not remember, but I will look around and see if I can find it and will repost on here when I do :)

  3. Technically I found the picture at: and modified it. They have different shapes, thicknesses, etc. I hope this helps.
